What is VATS or video assisted thoracoscopic surgery ?
Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery is a type of minimally invasive lung surgery. The surgeons uses minithoracotomy which measures around 3-4 cm. The vision of surgery is assisted by introduction of telescope(hence name video assisted) from separate 1 cm incision. Some surgeons make another 1 cm incision to introduce lung holding instrument. The entire surgery is carried out from 3-4 cm minithoracotomy while using a video monitor to visualise inside of the cavity. This monitor can provide significant magnification of structure providing surgeons superior vision of structures. There is no rib spreading involved which removes all the disadvantages of standard thoracotomy.
What are the advantages of VATS approach ?
True VATS approach as described here as many advantages:
- Small scar
- No rib spreading involved hence minimal chance of injury to ribs or nerves
- Early recovery
- Less blood loss
- Preservation of breathing function assisting in early mobilization and recovery
- Less chances of chronic pain
- Future reoperations are relatively easier to perform
Can all thoracic surgeon perform VATS approach?
Any thoracic surgeon who want to perform VATS approach will require training and experience. Most surgeons would have trained in a centre where VATS approach is common or they do fellowship training to acquire skills.