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Patient information for Surgery
In preparation for your admission to hospital, see the attached guide with some useful information.
Surgery Guide (Lung Surgery)
In preparation for your upcoming lung surgery there are things you can do to ensure you prepared
Surgery Guide (Heart Surgery)
Cardiac surgery can be daunting and we understand that there is a lot of anxiety around. When you…
  1. Thoracoscopic left atrial appendage occlusion with the Atriclip PRO II: An Experience of 144 patients. E Wang, P Sadlier, V Sourinathan, R Weerasooriya, D Playford, P Joshi Heart Lung Circ 2024 April
  2. Utilization of live epicardial ultrasound ultrasound and colour flow Doppler Transoesophageal echocardiography to guide an off pump repair of a left ventricular pseudoaneurysm. A Bennett, D Gimpel, M Wilke, P Joshi ANZ J Surg 2023 Jul-Aug;93(7-8):2010-2011
  3. Aortoscopy in pressurized aortic root during valve-sparing root replacement: A useful maneuver Chia, R. H. & Joshi, P., Aug 2023, In: JTCVS Techniques. 20, p. 20-23 4 p.
  4. Ultrasound Clues in Lobar PneumoniaFitzgerald, D. B., Blakey, J. D.Joshi, P., Kuok, Y. J., Lee, Y. C. G. & Thomas, R., Jan 2022, In: Chest. 161, 1, p. e59-e62
  5. DLCO is not significantly changed following early-stage lung cancer surgery Lam, S., Parsons, R., Joshi, P., Sanders, L., Newman, M., Singh, B.Thomas, R., Mar 2022, In: Respirology. 27, p. 161-161 1 
  6. Thoracoscopic Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion with Atriclip: An Initial Experience Edward Wang, Pragnesh Joshi, Paul Sadleir, Rukshen Weerasooriya and David Playford Originally published 8 Nov 2021 Circulation. 2021;144:A11056 
  7. Ultrasound Clues in Lobar Pneumonia Deirdre B. Fitzgerald, MB BCh BAO; John D. Blakey, PhD; Pragnesh Joshi, MBBS; Yi Jin Kuok, MBBS; Y. C. Gary Lee, PhD; and Rajesh Thomas, PhD.  CHEST 2022; 161(1):e59-e62
  8. Emergency on-pump beating heart reconstructive coronary artery bypass grafting for entrapped percutaneous coronary intervention equipmentChia, R. H., Ten, Y. & Joshi, P., Oct 2021, In: Journal of Cardiac Surgery. 36, 10, p. 3913-3916 4 p.
  9. Isolated Ventricular Septal Rupture in a Suicide JumperNg, P., Sankhesara, D., Weinert, C., Alcock, R., Andrews, D., Best, M., Joshi, P.Rajwani, A. & Hillis, G., 6 Oct 2021, In: JACC. Case reports. 3, 13, p. 1531-1534 4 
  10. Kaushalendra Singh Rathore, William Weightman,  Jurgen Passage, Pragnesh Joshi Lucas Sanders,  Mark Newman. Risk Stratification using serum lactate in patients undergoing surgical pulmonary embolectomy. J Card Surg. 2020;35:1531–1538.
  1. Kevin J. Makati,Nitesh Sood, Lawrence S. Lee, Felix Yang, Pragnesh Joshi,…

…..Jonathan S. Steinberg. Combined epicardial and endocardial ablation for atrial fibrillation: Best practices and guide to hybrid convergent procedures. Heart Rhythm Society 2020

  1. Hybrid Treatment of an isolated innunoglobulin G4-related internal thoracic artery aneurysm. Kelvin Ho, Pragnesh Joshi, Daniel wong, Anna Brusch, Joseph Hockley, Shirley Jansen. Journal of Vascular surgery case and innovative techniques Vol 4. No 4, December 2018
  2. Removal of Peritnoeo-venous-atrial shunt thrombus without cardiopulmonary bypass. Pragnesh Joshi,Sameer Thakur, Jonathan Tibbals. Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals 2018; 26(5):343-346
  1. Sternal-sparing aortic valve replacement in a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta: case report. Pragnesh Joshi,Sameer Thakur, Christopher Finn, Paul Sadlier J Heart Valve Dis 2017 11;26(6):744-746
  1. Surgical Management of Caseous Calcification of the Mitral Annulus Fong, L. S., McLaughlin, A. J., Okiwelu, N. L., Nordstrand, I. A. J., Newman, M.Passage, J.Joshi, P. V.  Annals of Thoracic Surgery.2017; Sep 104, 3, p. E291-E293
  1. Lobectomy in Septuagenarians With Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Open vs VATS Approach Laura Fong, Victor Ko, Aden Mclaughlin, Pragnesh JoshiHeart, Lung and Circulation 2017, Vol 26:s395
  1. Acute Structural Failure of the Trifecta Aortic Valve Bioprosthesis Zhu, M. Z. L., Newman, M. A., Joshi, P. & Passage, J.  Heart, Lung and Circulation 2017 Nov ; 26, 11, p. E82-E85 4 p
  1. Ruptured penetrating ulcer of the ascending aorta with pulmonary artery compression. N Okiwelu, Chris Finn, RV Driesen, L Sanders and Pragnesh Joshi.Asian Cardio Vascular and thoracic Annals 2016
  1. Bronchoscopic retrieval of 14-cm aspirated dental suction tip. Lakshmeesh Shetty, Ngozichukwuka Okiwelu, Pragnesh Joshi. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac  2015
  1. Bilateral selective antegrade cerebral perfusion for aortic arch surgery: Safe and reproducible for low volume aortic surgeons – A single centre experience. Ng, Primero ,Okiwelu Louis, Law Tim, Srinivasan Balamurali, Lucas Sanders, Passage, Jurgen, Joshi Pragnesh.(2015). Heart, Lung and Circulation. 24. e27. 10.1016/j.hlc.2014.12.060.
  1. Warfarin or excipient allergy: a clinical dilemma resolved. Mitchell J Gooch, Ngozichukwuka L Okiwelu, Timothy Law, Andrew P McLean-Tooke and Pragnesh JoshiMed J Aust 2015; 203 (5): 229.
  1. Surgical Embolectomy for Pulmonary Embolism: A Series of 32 Cases Brooke Murphy, James Edelman, Louis Okiwelu, Shanker Rajaratnam, Jurgen Passage, Mark Newman, Pragnesh Joshi, Lucas Sanders. Heart, Lung and Circulation 2014; 23:(1) e46
  2. Clinical edge: Totally endoscopic video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) – a paradigm shift in chest surgery in Australia. Pragnesh Joshi Medicus Volume 54, Issue 11 December 2014
  3. Refractory ascites – a rare presentation of severe aortic regurgitation. Jenkinson C, Rajaratnam S, Joshi P, Passage J. Heart Lung and Circulation July 2014
  4. Custodial for myocardial preservation – a systematic review. Edelman J, Secco M, Dunne B, Murphy M, Joshi P, Yan t, Wilson MK, Bannon PG, Vallaley M, Passage J. Annals of cardiothoracic surgery November 2013
  5. Systematic review protocol: single-dose histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate vs. intermittent crystalloid or blood cardioplegia. Edelman J, Secco M, Dunne B, Murphy M, Joshi P, Yan t, Wilson MK, Bannon PG, Vallaley M, Passage J. Annals of cardiothoracic surgery. Sept 2013
  6. Extensive clot propagation involving the aorta and brachiocephalic artery : Unusual consequence of paradoxical embolism. Okiwelu L, Passage J, Joshi P. European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2013 July 26
  7. Right Ventricular Perforation during Femoral Venous Cannulation – Lessons LearnedPassage J , Joshi PHeart, Lung and Circulation 2013
  8. Combined Minimally Invasive Aortic and Mitral Valve Replacement in Rheumatic Valve Disease – How I do it . Pragnesh Joshi, Chirag Doshi, Mahesh Vinchurkar, Vijay Mahajan. Heart, Lung and Circulation, Volume 20, Issue 4, Pages 231-233, April 2011
  9. Acute cholecystitis complicating cardiac surgery: Case series involving more than 16,000 patients.Passage J, Joshi P, Mullany DV. Annals of Thoracic Surgery., March 2007; 83: 1096 – 1101.
  10. Brief communication. A simple method of preparing artificial chordae for mitral valve repair. Tam R, Joshi P,Konstantinov IG Journal of Thoracic and  Cardiovascular Surgery., December 2006; 132: 1486 – 1487.
  11. Modified Root Reconstruction Methods to Treat Unruptured Aneurysm of Sinus of Valsalva(UASOV) – Two Case Reports – Joshi PGarlic B, Dunning J. Heart Lung and Circulation. 2006 Dec;15(6):389-92.
  12. The High Risk Cardiac Surgical Patient – Joshi P, Fraser JF, Mullany DV. Current Anaesthesia and Critical Care (2006) 16,369-383
  13. Right atrial aneurysm treated with atrioplasty without using cardiopulmonary bypass in an infant. Joshi PPohlner P. European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2005 Aug;28(2):343-5.
  14. Unruptured aneurysm of the sinus of valsalva in to the pulmonary artery presenting with RVOT obstruction. Karbhase JN, Sinha P, Joshi P, Doshi C, Nagle K. Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardio Vascular Surgery, 2003,Vol 19, pr 145-146.
  15. How I do it- Mist Blower . Karbhase JN, Sinha P, Joshi P, Doshi C, Nagle Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardio Vascular Surgery vol 19, No 2, Apr-June 2003.
  16. Mitral valve replacement in a case of chronic renal failure due to lupus nephritis. Sinha P, Joshi P, Jadhav S, Doshi C, Karbhase JN, Nagle K. Bombay Hospital Journal Vol.44, No.3,2002

Book Chapters

  1. Book chapter – Cardio Pulmonary Bypass.  CLINICAL APPLICATION OF ANASTHESIA. Joshi P. pg 138-159 year 2003. Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai, India.
  2. Book chapter – Cardiac anesthesia in Elderly. Rapchuk I, Joshi P, Fraser JF. OXFORD TEXTBOOK OF ANESTHESIA FOR ELDERLY PATIENTS Chapter No 21 page 167. Oxford University Press. year 2014
Ruptured penetrating ulcer of the ascending aorta with pulmonary artery compression
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Custodial for myocardial preservation – a systematic review
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore…
Systematic review protocol
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore…
Extensive clot propagation involving the aorta and brachiocephalic artery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore…
Custodial for myocardial preservation – a systematic review
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore…